About us

Our vision is to revolutionize global access to groceries and household essentials by starting with the UK as our export hub.

With an unwavering focus on providing an unparalleled variety of products sourced from each country. We are determined to transform the shopping experience, while enhancing convenience, well-being, and satisfaction worldwide.

Through relentless innovation and a steadfast commitment to customer-centricity. We aim to redefine the way people shop, seamlessly connecting them to the products they need on a global scale.

McGrocer is a premier online platform that seamlessly brings together a wide selection of groceries, health & beauty, pets, household essentials and more, sourced from leading independent stores across the UK.

Our goal is to make these products accessible to customers worldwide, offering convenience and variety. With a single delivery fee, our dedicated shoppers carefully curate and deliver your order straight to your doorstep, no matter where you are.

We prioritize catering to diverse lifestyle choices, providing alternatives, and empowering you with more time to pursue. What you love, while ensuring a superior international shopping experience.